The Just Law Principle


“The words just” and “justly” do not always mean “just” and “justly” in a moral sense, but they not unfrequently, in there connection with other words in a sentence, bear a very different signification. It is evident, however, that the word “just” in the statute [requiring an affidavit for an attachment to state that plaintiff’s claim is just] means “just” in a moral sense; and from it’s isolation, being made a separate subdivision of the section, it is intended to mean “morally just” in the most emphatic terms. The claim most be morally just, as well as legally just, in order to entitle a party to an attachment.”

Robinson v. Burton, 5 Kan. 300.

JUST. Conforming to or consonant with, what is legal or lawful, legally right, lawful.


I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand, this is so basic of concept to understand. It blows me away how many have completely turns a blind eye to these very basic things and allow the system to just run right over them. For any complaint to exist there must be a moral reason for it to move forward or it is dead on arrival. In short in case you missed it, a victim must be created by an action taken. This alone can bring down the entire structure they have been attempting to build behind your back. Better said, above your head!
When you learn the basics of the administrative process you never go into their court! Unless you have actually created a victim! (CLICK LINK)

How to realign this systemis what seems so simple, we as “the People” have the power to bring down the system as we know it today? How, you ask? Glad you asked! You see, the entire thing relies on so many intricately moving parts that interact with each other and when one minor adjustment is made, the entire structure could potentially toss the whole thing into chaos, this wouls force real change to occur. The biggest problem with this is the population would fall into chaos along with it! And the primary reason for this is do to the population has a sever lack of understanding of how America actually is designed to function. This brings us to this work and everything I do! Let’s take this to the next level and look at the legal concept of the word “MORAL”


Pertains to character, conduct, intention, social relations, ect. United States v. Carrollo

1. Pertaining or relating to the conscience or moral sense or to the general principles of right conduct. 2. Cognizable or enforceable only by the conscience or by the principles of right conduct, as distinguished from positive law. 3. Depending upon or resulting from probability ; raising a belief or conviction in the mind independent of strict or logical proof. 4. Involving or affecting the moral sense; as in the phrase “moral insanity.”


I think at this point I can rest the case on what “just law” means, a victim must be created for there to be any possible way for us to find ourselves in a courtroom. So why is it there is millions of people a day in and out of these local municipalities? Everyone of them must have a victim attached or they wouldn’t be there, right? WRONG!

The reason we find ourselves in their courtroom is because 90%+ have no victim whatsoever! NONE! ZERO! ZILCH! And because you know that already tells us just how mind controlled we are to allow it! I know, I know, what can poor little me do about this! The answer is EVERYTHING!

You and I are actors on a stage built to collectively control our perception of reality without realizing it. Much like a lion tamer controls the lion in his act. The lion could in actual fact devour the tamer without much resistance but do to precise tool choices for his mind control, generally this doesn’t happen. In this case, we are that lion! We do and believe what we are told to believe and see ourselves as powerless subclass instead of the most awesome force that makes everything impossible possible. We have allowed them to designate us as our own CITIZENS instead of The People! Yes folks, not all CITIZENS are created the same!

We must understand very simply, a Citizen of 1776 is not the same CITIZEN of today. Back then the American Citizen was the self governing people granted themselves and all natural born American “LIBERTY” or exemption from the COMMERCIAL CODE being applied to us when not in our COMMERCIAL CAPACITY. In brief, the most relevant time period of this big change came just after JFK lost his life for rejecting of this shift in this legal designation!


The point to all this is, we all know something drastically changed from us being the self governing people of America to UNITED STATES CITIZENS that are now controlled by their COMMERCIAL CODE! And the system in place will not just give that up without a fight!

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