The Creator of All things has put us all here for one thing. To love all that we help create & create no victim with that which we ourselves create!

I often contemplate a subject of research that sometimes may get a little dicey, just for the fact that the concepts are millennia old and, to be frank, unable to be provable by the letter of most fields of study. By that I mean, the proof is in the meaning of the “thing” and not just a physical manifestation or HOW IT IS “SPELLED”. This is one of those kinds of contemplation that gets very sticky to some people but, for me that is the most powerful form of thinking as well as the discussion to have in a world that “I” and each and everyone of “us” contribute seamlessly to collectively create.

The discussions that our granddads would have at the supper table are discouraged as to not hurt anyone’s “feelings” in today’s topsy turvy society. And in case you didn’t notice they spoke with meaning and intensity behind what they were saying. If we go way back to lets say the “MARITIME” “ADMIRALTY” SERVICE CONTRACT that legally founded America, they spoke what was essentially, a “DECODED” “LEGALESE” called American English that has all but faded away for a NUMBED down version of it. That said, makes this task by far the most difficult to spell out with the word for word or letter by letter way but, that’s all part of the fun.

So, what is THE REAL WORLD ORDER? And why would this matter to a guy like me that is as anyone of you stumbling along day to day to make ends meet? Living a life that appears at first glance or “superficially,” well, amazing! Isn’t that what life is all about? Just as long as you are happy with what you have accumulated and procured make your life have meaning. We have no place digging into things the common man couldn’t possibly comprehend or understand. That’s the kind of thing left only for the people in college classrooms and big giant conglomerate corporations or cathedral’s and temples called GOVERNMENT and they will tell us what these things are, not some guy digging a ditch or swinging hammers! Problem is, those other people don’t live my experience for me and if I want to stand on my own thoughts then I must ask and answer my own questions.

We all have our own perception of the same “reality”. I understand why it is becoming more and more difficult while living in the hidden stagflationary financial environment that we have been living in for our entire lives. I’ll get into that later in this article. So what would the perceived value of a loaf of bread have to do with the Real World Order? Well, it all started when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth… just kidding. Or am I?

The New World Disorder Question

Miller Center: September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress
Once you know your role in the game, get off your knees!

The concept of this Real World Order came to me while researching the “NEW WORLD ORDER”, sometimes called GLOBAL GOVERNANCE by the adjudicators like George H. Bush and the U.N that propagandize the philosophy and organizations desperately trying to make sure it happens by legislation and into our “LAW.” What I am going to attempt here is to articulate, the best I can the “concept” of what is being made “NEW” as well as the “concept” of “WORLD” & “ORDER” so it is better understood what this phrase is really saying from their “language.” CAUSE BELIEVE ME, they do not speak your language! The dialect for the most part is there but the context of the meanings are entirely different then the common use of the same sounding “words”. More on this (word magic)

If it is “NEW” then what is the original or old-world-order, that’s what needs to be “understood”. In that we might just all see what it is that is being destroyed so this “NEW” one can be made by an artificial duplication of what is naturally created for the ONE CREATED BY THEM!

To do this we have to come to an “understanding” of one primary ideological principle. Who or what “owns” the World and thus everything that comes from it, even more, where are we as living beings in this equation? Hang on to your hats ladies and gentlemen, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

The Natural Order

  The key to this entire concept is in a creator of all things seen and unseen, call this “God” or any religious terminology to package something that can not be packaged, labeled and\or boxed. The evidence that it is impossible to package the creator of all things by restraining all that is into any one or even all the different religious sects and combining those with all the scientific theories, which are all conspiracy theory. With all of their different branding idols or symbols, it’s a no brainier from my perspective who they are and what principles they are choosing to preach.

From my personal perspective, I have come to understand “The creator” or ” The Grantor Of Dominion” is as simple as follows, there is no limitation to what has been created, thus no way to define that which created it. By doing so, you have in fact just defined it by it’s principles.

That said, the only logical next step is to ask, what “exactly” is doing the “defining” and perhaps we may find clues to what the creator is and maybe, just maybe we might get an idea of the true image of our one true creator as we quantify the greatest creation of natural design.


The serpent that stands on two legs who’s christ is within.

So, the best one can do is gather shreds of evidence to support or discount to make an attempt at an outline of what “it” is that makes everything we know or think we know to be as it is.

At the very least we can all agree that our mother and father is where our physical bodies came from. And that body is the  house or temple of our life force that some call our “soul” (not limited to the bottom of our feet.)

The state of man.

It’s fairly easy to grasp the very simple process to make our bodies through our parents. But how can one explain the “life force energy” that makes the “life” that lives within every diverse expression of every living thing?Additionally, good luck having any kind of cohesion with all the varieties of things that seem to not have a life force at all like a rock or a hunk of metal, yet that none living thing that can only be observed yet, has the power to cause an emotional experience just by looking at it.

Life starts at inception!

That response or emotional trigger was a cause by something you could not explain in just words of a common tongue or common meaning. The reason for this is do to our language and it’s lack of real meaning from the common mans perspective and their common use lexicon. These emotional responses are the keystones in our psychological selves and how we impulsively feel about the world we find ourselves within.

 When one can get their perspective to the point of realization that all that appears to be living is interrelated in more then one sense in that the same life force is in “that” is also within ourselves. With that level of understanding you can then begin to comprehend, could it be that there is more then meets the eye here.

One step further, could it be possible that one and the same life force in all things living anywhere in the cosmos or is it only within that one singularity or one particular expression of that individual’s life experience alone? The only thing that makes any sense to me is that it’s all the same force shared by all living things infinitely. It’s a mind trip when you think about it for more than a few seconds or a few minutes.

The Natural Law Is A Principle


  The Natural Order is simply this, we are sentience as beings with our own minds and our life force that is shared with all that exists inside of us. We do our part to create this “reality” without the aid of an outside progenitor. We can not have authority over others when we are taking responsibility for ourselves and our own ability to create the life of freedom and happiness. We have the natural ability to make our own decisions according to our knowledge of common sense when allowed to be as a natural man or a sentient being.

As “man” we possess “free will” to do as man sees fit with ourselves and all we equally share, as long as man does not violate the one and only “law” that makes sense to anyone with half a mind left. The one law is “DO NO HARM TO ANOTHER OR HIS/HER RIGHT OF FREEWILL.” Or as simple as “CREATE NO VICTIM.” How simple is that for ya? As long as no harm comes to someone else then there can be no crime or penalty due. That’s the simple fact of a free society. And we never really had one if all these arbitrary “LAWS” & “CODES” takes even a fraction of our free will from us.

The pursuit of happiness is arbitrary as long as no victim is created.

If the creator lives inside of us, giving us life and awareness thus making us creators in our own right. We didn’t create the information field but we read the data and make it “real” or solid by our collective beliefs. Everything you think you see only really exists in our minds which means we collectively share the same data field and should have the freedom to do just that. With the only standing principle of law “CREATE NO VICTIM!”

Create No Victim

One thought on “THE REAL WORLD ORDER!

  1. Hi! Man We have been advised to use Blacks law 1st and 2nd as the oldest dictionaries have the greatest power.

    But thank you for your stuff here.

    We have just watched an interview with James Gilliard with Dani Henderson. This is a eye opener!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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